Employer Help Center

What information will be hidden when I turn Bias Breaker™ on?

When Bias Breaker™ is on, candidate names, contact information, and photos will be hidden automatically. Names will be displayed as initials and other personal information will be replaced with a descriptor like “[Email]” or “[Address].” You’ll also have the option to hide school/organization names, links, and dates if you choose.

Bias Breaker will be applied to all areas of the iHire platform where you can view candidate information, including Resume Search, candidate profiles, and job applications.

Even when the Bias Breaker feature is on, candidate information will be revealed once the candidate has surpassed the screening phase.

  • When using Resume Search, a candidate’s information will be unhidden when their resume is unlocked.
  • When viewing job applications, an applicant’s information will be unhidden when they’re moved past the “Reviewing” stage in the candidate management tool.
  • When a hiring manager is reviewing applicants, a candidate’s information will be unhidden when a candidate is Approved or Declined.

You can turn Bias Breaker off anytime to reveal information for all existing and future candidates.

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